Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Does a bigger penis mean a happier life?

A small penis is something that many men have to live with, and it can lead to a number of other serious conditions, such as depression and low self-esteem.

The question is, would these men be happier if they had a bigger penis? And ultimately, does size really matter?

Feeling comfortable

We would argue that it’s not necessarily the size that matters. What’s really important is being comfortable in your own skin, which for some men just isn’t possible as they’re too self-conscious about the size of their penis.
As humans, we can’t help but constantly compare ourselves against other people and measure ourselves by these benchmarks. For many men, finding out they’re on the small side of the penis scale is something they will struggle with for the rest of their life. It’s this comparison that leads to low self-esteem and sometimes more serious depression.

Sexual inadequacy

This problem can quickly spiral out of control and begin to invade every part of a man’s life, not least of all his romantic life and ability to form meaningful relationships. The problem associated with a small penis can soon become even worse when coupled with feelings of sexual inadequacy and the inability to please their sexual partners. Of course, penis size is not always directly linked to sexual gratification, but it can be easy to think this way when you have low self-esteem.

Does penis size effect happiness?

So, for many people, it is true. Penis size can have a direct effect on happiness and other positive emotional feelings, such as confidence. Not everyone with a small penis will feel this way, and we would never go as far as to suggest that a bigger penis will definitely make someone happier. However, it’s a superficial thing that can make a huge difference to a man’s sense of self-worth, providing that it is the root of the insecurity, of course.

But why should this be a problem?

We live in the 21st century where these things can be safely rectified. For more information on penoplasty surgery or non-surgical penis enlargement procedures,

please feel free to contact us at Moorgate Urology today.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Penis talk: 3 celebrities who’ve revealed they’re not well-endowed

It’s true to say that many men worry about the size of their penis – and who can blame them?

It seems that more so than ever there is an emphasis on big being good and small being bad. It doesn’t necessarily help matters that the stars can’t keep quiet when it comes to discussing their genitals. Over the years we’ve seen many celebrity men boast about being well-endowed – and it seems even more have begrudgingly laid claim to being less lucky.

If you’re fretting about the size of your penis and considering your options, just remember that these famous faces are also in the same boat as you.

Penis talk 3 celebrities who have revealed theyre not well-endowedEnrique Iglesias

Singer Enrique has been very open about the size of his penis in the past – namely the fact that it doesn’t quite meet the expectations of his lady friends. While it’s unknown if he’s actually gone ahead with penile enlargement, in the past it’s seemed that he has been toying with the idea of an enhancement. He once said: “I’d change my penis if I could. It’s way, way, way too small. I can never find extra-small condoms.”

Shia LaBeouef

Actor Shia once revealed that he lost his virginity in an excruciatingly awkward manner due to the size of his penis. The young star reflected on the momentous occasion during an interview with Playboy in 2009. He said: “I remember putting a pillow underneath her because I had seen that in a porn movie. It put her at a weird angle, where I couldn’t get in correctly. I’m not extremely well-endowed … and clearly this wasn’t the move.” The star later claimed that producers have demanded to see a picture of his genitals before casting him in movies featuring full frontal nudity.

Howard Stern

Radio host Howard Stern once quipped that he might be ‘one of the smallest guys in the world’ when talking about his penis on his show. It was a moment of candour from the often brash media personality.

Ready for a change?

There’s no need to live with a below-average penis like these men do. If you think a penis enlargement may be for you, then get in touch with Moorgate Aesthetics today.

Enrique Iglesias 10 by Themeplus licensed under Creative commons 5